Winter Weather Plan
Most people love a good snow day! However, during a winter weather event, safety needs to remain a priority for the association and community members alike. Please be sure to follow the info here to keep our community members safe, and review the detailed snow plan below:
What I am responsible for during a winter weather event? What is the Association responsible for?
Single Family, Duplex/Villas, and Townhome Residents:
- Clear Driveways and walkways
- Clear all sidewalks the run the front, back, side or adjacent to your property up to the next lot.
- Clear areas around fire hydrants, mailboxes, and stormwater drains. Please do not push snow that will block mail delivery access.
Condo Residents:
- Clear Driveways
- Clear Areaways in front of entrance doors.
- Salt buckets will be provided prior to a storm in each breezeway at each building.
The Association:
- Clear all roads (except those that are VDOT Streets)
- Clear Parking lots
- Clear walkways and area leading to the Clubhouse
Snow Removal Plan
A. Snow removal will commence upon the accumulation of 2 inches, as measured at Dulles International Airport. When weather forecasts predict larger accumulation, clearing may commence early with prior approval of the Management Agent or Board of Directors. Polen Farm, Julia Street, Sungrove Terrace and Elise Place are all VDOT streets
B. Chemicals:
1. The contractor will use chemicals that do not harm or damage hard surfaces or landscape.
2. The contractor will use care in spreading chemicals to prevent damage to landscape or other Association property.
Pre-treating: When ice accumulation is forecasted the chemicals will be placed on primary roads, hazardous areas, sidewalks at the Clubhouse. Remaining roads and sidewalks shall be treated during the storm and re-treated as necessary to ensure safe travel conditions
The Association is not responsible for removing the snow from sidewalks in front of townhomes or single-family homes. This is the sole responsibility of the resident.
Loudoun County ordinance (Chapter 1022) requires the owner/occupant of a property which has a public sidewalk adjoining or touching the property in front, rear or either side, to clear or treat that sidewalk for snow and ice within 6 hours of a snowfall (by 12:00 noon for overnight snowfall).
Property owners abutting common areas also responsible for clearing those sidewalks. This will provide a safe walkway for children going to school. The County Department of Building and Development is responsible for enforcement of this ordinance.
All roadways within the community are currently maintained by the Association. These areas will be cleared along with the parking lot at the Clubhouse. The driveways are NOT the responsibility of the Association; therefore, Owners/Resident will need to make arrangements for clearing these areas.
A. When snowfall accumulation is less than 12 inches, roadways that are final paved should be cleared curb-to-curb, as best as possible with a plow truck. Roadways that are not final paved should be cleared curb-to-curb where possible, but at minimum asphalt edge to asphalt edge. Care should be taken not push or plow snow onto driveway aprons on the initial and all
successive clearing of the roads. Where possible the Contractor should plow snow to the common or open space side of the road.
B. When snowfall is forecasted to exceed 12 inches the Contractor will work during the storm to keep a single driving lane with a passable roadway for emergency access.
A “passable roadway” is defined as a roadway surface that is free from drifts, snow ridges, and as much ice and snow pack as is practical and can be traveled safely at reasonable speeds. A passable roadway should not be confused with a "dry pavement " or "bare pavement", which is essentially free of all ice, snow, and any free moisture from shoulder to shoulder. This "dry/bare pavement” condition may not exist until the weather conditions improve to the point where this pavement condition can be provided.
"Reasonable speed" is considered a speed that a vehicle can travel without losing traction. During and immediately after a winter storm event, a reasonable speed will most likely be lower than the posted speed limit. Motorists can expect some inconvenience and will be expected to modify their driving practices to suit road conditions.
No later than the end of a heavy storm the contractor will begin clearing streets with heavy equipment and hauling snow to designated areas within the community if needed. The contractor will make every effort to clear streets asphalt edge to asphalt edge.
IV. All accessible parking spaces, meaning at least 3 consecutive unoccupied spaces, should be cleared at the end of the storm.
The Association will not clear the sidewalks for the single family, duplex or Townhomes. *Owners/Residents will need to make arrangements for clearing Sidewalks in front of their unit, Private lead walks, driveways, mailboxes and fire hydrants if located on their lot. (snow should not be plowed in a manner to block mail delivery though)
Sidewalks should be cleared to a minimum of 24 inches, except those leading from the parking areas at the Clubhouse to the main entrance of the building which will be cleared edge to edge.
Care should be taken to prevent throwing snow in previously cleared areas or piling snow on private property. It is permissible to throw snow into yards or common areas.
No snow may be on or near mailboxes, fire hydrants and storm water inlets.